Philosophy of Midwifery Care

Midwifery care is common in most of the areas of the world. In Ontario it was legislated in 1991. For those unfamiliar with midwifery care, or if you are trying to decide if this model of care is right for you, the Philosophy of Care outlined below may be helpful:

  • Midwifery care is based on a respect for pregnancy as a state of health and childbirth as a normal physiologic process and a profound event in a person's life.

    Midwifery care respects the diversity of a client's needs and the variety of personal and cultural meanings which clients, families and communities bring to the pregnancy, birth, and early parenting experience.

    The maintenance and promotion of health throughout the childbearing cycle are central to midwifery care. Midwives focus on preventative care and the appropriate use of technology.

  • Care is continuous, personalized, and non-authoritarian. It responds to a client's social, emotional and cultural as well as physical needs.

    Midwives respect the client's right to choice of caregiver and place of birth in accordance with the standards of practice of the College of Midwives of Ontario. Midwives are willing to attend birth in a variety of settings, including both hospital and home.

    Midwives encourage the family members to actively participate in their care throughout pregnancy, birth, and postpartum period and make choices about the manner in which their care is provided.

    Midwifery care includes education and counseling, enabling a client to make informed choices.

  • Midwives promote decision-making as a shared responsibility, between the client and their family (as defined by the client) and their caregivers. The client is recognized as the primary decision maker.

    Midwives regard the interest of the client and baby as compatible. They focus their care on the client to obtain the best outcomes for them and their newborn.

    Informed choice plays a vital role in choosing the care of a midwife. We expect that the families we serve will want to be an active participant in their own health care. Informed choice means that you will be given a wide range of options that will hopefully encompass a choice that is right for you and your family.

Scope of Practice

  • The midwives scope of practice is normal healthy pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum. We are committed to practicing within the guidelines developed by the College of Midwives. We also work within a set of protocols that we have developed for our practice. These protocols help us to provide consistent care that is supported by current research.

  • In addition to the College of Midwives of Ontario Indications for Consultation and Transfer of Care document, there are some guidelines for transfer of care which are mandated by the Kingston General Hospital. One of these guidelines is the transfer to Obstetrics for the use of oxytocin for induction or augment. We are currently working with the Department of Obstetrics. Watch for news in the future.

  • Midwives are primary health care providers to healthy pregnant people and normal newborns. Sometimes a person’s pregnancy moves out of “normal” and their care must be transferred to a specialist, usually an obstetrician. In such a case, you can expect to have supportive care from a midwife, but since the specialist is primarily responsible for your health, your midwife will not function in hospital as a primary decision maker. Also, only one midwife may be involved in the care from that point as only one midwife will attend the birth.